Tradelink 2022 Annual Report

55 貿易通電子貿易有限公司 二零二二年年報 Corporate Governance Report (Continued) 企業管治報告書(續) (4) 我們的企業核心價值 引領我們一言一行的核心價值包括以下各 項: (4) Our Values Guiding us in everything we do, our values are set out below: Trust We work diligently to uphold our reputation for helping organizations maximize their digital efficiency and successfully get more value from technology. 可靠務實 我們的聲譽奠基於我們一直努力不懈地協助不同企業發揮最大的數碼效益,並成功在科 技應用上獲得最大回報。 Transparency We are open and direct in the way we communicate and conduct our business. We encourage information sharing across the company. We own up to our mistakes, work to correct them and learn from them. 公開透明 我們鼓勵開放直接的溝通和資訊共享。我們勇於承擔,不斷致力改善,並從錯誤中學習。 Teamwork We are committed to close teamwork, among ourselves, with our business partners and customers, with regulators and others we work with. 團隊精神 我們重視團隊合作,以確保各部門、商業合作夥伴、客戶,以至監管機構,都能建立緊 密的合作關係。 Thoughtfulness We give our team members the resources and support to understand the pain points of our customers and offer practical solutions to overcome them. We cultivate empathy and care for each other, our customers, and all stakeholders whose lives we touch. 誠懇關懷 我們為同事提供充足資源和支援,以了解客戶企業的問題所在,從而提供實用的解決方案。 我們培養同理心,互相關懷,並照顧客戶和持分者所需。 Technology Our role is to maximize digital efficiency with a science-based approach that involves measuring performance and constantly seeking improvement. We will continue to explore innovative new technology that can help raise digital efficiency in Hong Kong. 科技為本 我們以科技為本的方法,量化成效,不斷尋求進步空間,充分發揮數碼效益。我們將繼 續致力研究創新科技,幫助本港提高數碼效益。 Timely We respect people’s time. From developing effective e-solutions to responding swiftly to customer requests, we seek to make best use of time. Working with a sense of timeliness helps us meet deadlines and keeps us ahead of technological change. 與時並進 時間就是最大的資源,因此有效管理時間是我們服務客戶的一大原則。從發展有效電子 企業方案,至迅速回應客戶需求,我們務求在有限的時間內達成最大的效益,讓客戶能 在日新月異的科技中保持優勢。